
self-guided online learning

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the raw truth about beef

Go behind the scenes with ranchers and industry experts to learn about each stage of the beef lifecycle, and find answers to the questions you’ve always had about how cattle are raised and beef is produced.

The Raw Truth About Beef provides you with the educational resources you need to incorporate beef education into your agriculture, culinary or dietetic curriculum. 

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beef university

Beef U is FREE and EASY to incorporate into your teaching with the simple goal of educating your students on where beef comes from and how it can be successfully utilized in the kitchen.

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masters of beef advocacy

Masters of Beef Advocacy is your go-to program for training and resources to be a strong advocate for the beef community. This free, self-guided online course provides students the tools and resources to become a beef advocate and answer tough questions about beef and raising cattle.

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To enroll your class, email the WBC

On the farm stem

A complete classroom curriculum instructors can use as an educational resource for students to learn more about beef.   Lessons are broken into chapters designed for 45-90 minute class periods. Topics include Agriculture in America, Overview of Beef Production, FFA and Ag in the Classroom, Touring the Ranch, the Art of Butchery – Basic Cookery and Safety, Sausage Making, Burger Challenge, the Art of BBQ, the True Beef Cooking Challenge, and more. 

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TAke a Virtual tour of Wisconsin's beef industry

with the 75th Alice in Dairyland, Taylor Schaefer

C&L Hereford Ranch, Ixonia, WI

Raising beef begins with farmers who maintain a herd of cows that give birth to calves once a year. When a calf is born, it typically weighs 60 to 100 pounds. Over the next few months, each calf will live off its mother’s milk and graze on grass pastures. 

The Folkman family operates a typical Wisconsin cow-calf farm. 


Rebout farms, Janesville, WI

Conventionally raised beef typically spends 4 to 6 months in feedyards. They are free to graze at feed bunks containing a carefully balanced diet made up of roughage (such as hay and grass), grain (such as corn, wheat and soybean meal). Veterinarians and nutritionists work together to provide individual care for each animal.

Doug Rebout and his family finish holstein steers that are marketed as beef. Doug explains how important dairy is to Wisconsin's beef industry.


lake geneva country meats, Lake Geneva, WI

Once cattle reach market weight (typically 1,200 to 1,400 pounds at 18 to 22 months of age), they are sent to a packing plant (also called a processing facility). United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspectors oversee the implementation of safety, animal welfare and quality standards from the time animals enter the plant until the final beef products are shipped to grocery stores and restaurants. 

Lake Geneva Country Meats is one of many family-owned and operated meat markets in Wisconsin. 

oakstone recreational, Cottage Grove, WI

Join us as we get a behind-the-scenes look at beefy dishes at the restaurant Oakstone Recreational in Cottage Grove, WI. 

Learn about how Oakstone buys, prepares and menus locally raised beef from a neighboring farm.