explore our recipe collections

Are you in the mood for soup or just looking for some tailgating or holiday recipes? Look no further! Our recipe collections have a variety of recipe choices for any occasion or event!

See all recipe collections on Beef. It's What's For Dinner. 

Nothing sizzles like a steak.

Food bloggers, veteran chefs and even beef farmers and ranchers pay loving homage to beef.

Don’t let the broiler intimidate you with these easy-to-follow and triple-tested recipes.

Step up your home cooking game with these advanced beef recipes, inspired by chefs in the Beef. It's What's For Dinner. Culinary Center!

Quick and easy pasta ideas

The expert chefs at Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. share their all-time-favorite recipes.

Prepare to meet the most delicious salad you've ever eaten.

Stir up your dinners with stir-fry

Enjoy these recipes that tastefully combine a variety of food groups.

Enjoying lean beef in a heart-healthy lifestyle is easier than you think with these recipes.

Beef up your protein intake.

Add delicious lean beef to a Mediterranean-style diet.

"as seen on tv" recipes

Did you see the Wisconsin Beef Council on your local TV station recently and want to make the delicious beef recipes that were featured? If so, you're in the right place. Find all of the beef recipes from our monthly TV segments archived here. 

as seen on tv recipes

Wisconsin Farmer Favorite Recipes

Farm-Ous Beef Lasagna

Made by our Wisconsin farmers for their families, these recipes are hearty, flavorful and tested by kids, moms and farmers. Whether it's light and easy-to-eat on the fly or a comforting meal for those long, cold days, these recipes are satisfying to the last bite.

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Wisconsin Food Bloggers Beef Recipes

The beef council has partnered with Wisconsin food bloggers to create brand-new grilling recipes that will take your taste buds to a whole new level. You gotta give these a try! 

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