Glacier Edge Dairy

"In addition to the milk our cows produce, we are proud to provide beef as another food source for the world!"

Hello! We are the Metcalfs of Glacier Edge Dairy in Milton, Wisconsin. Our family-owned and operated 300-cow dairy farm was built in 2017, and shortly after we started to diversify our farm income with beef cattle. 

Our farm team consists of 5 family members (Terry & Jane, Corey & Kristen, and Lauren Metcalf) and 3 full-time employees. To better our herd for the future, we breed our best Jersey dairy cows to Jersey bulls that have been selected to improve dairy production. The rest of the herd is bred to beef cattle breeds so their calves can be used for meat production. Some of the beef breeds we use include Charolais, Angus, and Limousin. 

Raising the beef calves born on our farm allows us to sell beef locally to consumers or in larger groups to meat processors in Wisconsin. In addition to the milk our cows produce, we are proud to provide beef as another food source for the world!  

Glacier Edge Dairy

Milton, wi

dairy farm

Dairy farmers' primary business is producing milk, but they also produce beef from market cows and bull calves. In fact, about 20 percent of the beef produced in the United States comes from dairy animals.