John Franseen

Farm Operation, Employment or Business Details: Hewitt’s Meats. Our team operates a meat processing business that concentrates on further processing. We are a USDA Inspected facility that services both of our retail stores, an online store, various wholesale accounts, and numerous Private Label/Co-Pack customers. 

How did you become involved in the industry? I grew up on a Dairy Farm in Central WI. During High School, we added a beef herd. For 20 years, we raised Limousin Seedstock marketing our genetics across the Midwest and selling semen to producers in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Our cattle were on display at the Iowa Beef Expo, Black Hills Stock Show and National Western Stock Show. In 2005 I met my wife Amanda. She is the 4th generation to operate Hewitt’s Meats. 

In 2018 we purchased Hewitt’s and built the facility that we currently operate. We also dispersed our Limousin herd at this time. We still hold interest in some bulls and have partnerships on some females. I still have strong connections to the cattle industry from this endeavor. At Hewitt’s we process approximately 750,000 pounds of beef annually into sausage products and retail 200,000 pounds of cuts and ground beef.  

What does the WBC mission mean to you – ‘To Build Demand for Beef that is Sustainable for Future Generations’? The Beef Industry is in constant competition from other proteins both traditionally raised and plant-based. Our industry must continue to educate consumers on the benefits of beef. Health benefits are only the tip of the iceberg. Beef cattle are the only animals that can convert feed from land not suitable for other agriculture practices into the best protein in the world. 

What are your favorite things about being a WBC Board Member? I am excited to use my experience as a producer and processor to strengthen our industry. 

What WBC program area do you feel is important to growing demand for beef and why? Consumer Education 

If you could tell your friends one key thing about the Beef Checkoff, what would it be? Educating the consumer is key to retaining and gaining market share. 

Favorite thing about the agricultural industry: Working to feed the world is the most noble profession. 

Favorite piece of advice you’ve ever received: Matthew 6:27 “And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?”